
Create a high-resolution 4K image of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King from Chinese mythology, wielding his magical staff, Ruyi Jingu Bang. The scene should depict Sun Wukong engaged in the battle against the Spider Demons, showcasing a dynamic and action-packed moment from the 'Three Battles with the Spider Demons' episode. The image should capture the intricate details of Sun Wukong's traditional attire, his fierce expression, and the dramatic energy of the battle. Ensure the background is richly detailed and complements the intense action, emphasizing the high quality and vibrancy of the scene.

プロンプト: Create a high-resolution 4K image of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King from Chinese mythology, wielding his magical staff, Ruyi Jingu Bang. The scene should depict Sun Wukong engaged in the battle against the Spider Demons, showcasing a dynamic and action-packed moment from the 'Three Battles with the Spider Demons' episode. The image should capture the intricate details of Sun Wukong's traditional attire, his fierce expression, and the dramatic energy of the battle. Ensure the background is richly detailed and complements the intense action, emphasizing the high quality and vibrancy of the scene.

作成日時: 8/28/2024, 5:29:16 PM