معاينة الصورة

underwater scene of two owls sitting at a fancy dining table with a lit candle in the center, the two owls are having a lovely dinner together. The left owl is wearing a tuxedo, the right owl is wearing a nice dress. In the background is a submarine passing by with the words “What a Hoot” painted on its side. There are little jellyfish swimming around at the bottom of the image below the table, cinematic beautiful digital artwork

النص التوجيهي: underwater scene of two owls sitting at a fancy dining table with a lit candle in the center, the two owls are having a lovely dinner together. The left owl is wearing a tuxedo, the right owl is wearing a nice dress. In the background is a submarine passing by with the words “What a Hoot” painted on its side. There are little jellyfish swimming around at the bottom of the image below the table, cinematic beautiful digital artwork

تم الإنشاء في: 2025-02-12T09:41:25.796

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